The adsorption is
the process of accumulating substances that are in solution on a suitable
interface. Adsorption is a mass transfer operation in that a constituent in
liquid phase is transferred to the solid phase. The adsorbate is the substance
that is being removed from the liquid phase at the interface. The adsorbent is
the solid, liquid or gas phase on to which the adsorbate accumulates. The
adsorption process has not been used extensively in waste water treatment, but
demands for a better quality of treated waste water effluent, including
toxicity reduction, have led to an intensive examination and use of the process
of adsorption on activated carbon. Activated carbon treatment of waste water is
usually thought of as a polishing process for water that has already received
normal biological treatment. The carbon in this case is used to remove a
portion of the remaining dissolved organic matter.
Many volatile
organic compounds (VOCs) are toxic, posing a high risk to human health as a result of their widespread use and occurrence in workplace environments.
Reducing the amount of organic vapours in ambient air is, therefore, an important task.
Activated carbons are the most versatile and frequently used adsorbents, and fixed beds
of activated carbon, in the form of canisters or filters, are widely used for purifying
contaminated air. Its large internal surface area and pore volume, its ability to absorb most
organic vapours and low cost make activated carbon one of the most practical adsorbents.
Activated carbon
beds eventually become exhausted after continuous exposure to air contaminated with organic vapours. The time at which an organic vapour of a
defined concentration is able to penetrate the bed is known as the breakthrough time of
the adsorbate. In practical situations, a key factor is the service life of the
filter. This is defined as the time at which the concentration of the compound penetrating the filter
reaches an unacceptable level. An accurate estimate of this service life is of great
importance to both users and manufacturers. A predictive model for filter performance would reduce
the need for time consuming filter tests, aid in the design of filters with
performance and provide knowledge of the service life of military filters
exposed to conditions and chemicals encountered in civilian situations.
Activated carbon is
a solid, porous, black carbonaceous material. It is distinguished from
elemental carbon by the absence of both impurities and an oxidized surface. It
can be prepared from a large number of sources such as coconut, wood, peat,
coal, tar, sawdust, and cellulose residues. Any carbon source can be converted
into activated carbon via a number of methods. Usually, the process is divided
into carbonization and activation. During carbonization most of the non-carbon
elements are removed in gaseous form by the pyrolytic decomposition of the
source material. The porous structure is mainly developed during activation by
means of an activation agent that reacts with the carbon. Such agents may
include synthetic acids, bases, and other substances in a stream of activating
gases such as steam (H2O), nitrogen (N2) or carbon
dioxide (CO2).
Fig.1: Activated carbon: surface and pores –
scanning electron microscope image. Magnification increases from left to right
Activated carbon
has an extraordinarily large surface area and pore volume, making it
suitable for a wide range of applications. It can be used as a decolorizing agent, a taste and
odour removing agent or as a purification agent in food processing. One major use of
activated carbon is in water purification, including the production of potable water and
the treatment of waste and ground waters.
suitable for a wide range of applications. It can be used as a decolorizing agent, a taste and
odour removing agent or as a purification agent in food processing. One major use of
activated carbon is in water purification, including the production of potable water and
the treatment of waste and ground waters.
The most important property of activated
carbon, the property that determines its usage,
is the pore structure. The total number of pores, their shape and size determine the
adsorption capacity and even the dynamic adsorption rate of the activated carbon. IUPAC
classifies pores as follows:
is the pore structure. The total number of pores, their shape and size determine the
adsorption capacity and even the dynamic adsorption rate of the activated carbon. IUPAC
classifies pores as follows:
macropores: d0 > 50nm
mesopores: 2 ≤ d0 ≤ 50nm
micropores: d0 < 2nm
ultramicropores: d0 < 0.7nm
supermicropores: 0.7 < d0 <2nm
where d0 is the pore width for slit type pores or the pore diameter
for cylindrical pores.
The macropores act
as transport pathways, through which the adsorptive molecules travel
to the mesopores, from where they finally enter the micropores. The micropores usually
constitute the largest proportion of the internal surface of the activated carbon and
contribute most to the total pore volume. Most of the adsorption of gaseous adsorptives
takes place within these micropores, where the attractive forces are enhanced and the
pores are filled at low relative pressures. Thus, the total pore volume and the pore size
distribution determine the adsorption capacity.
to the mesopores, from where they finally enter the micropores. The micropores usually
constitute the largest proportion of the internal surface of the activated carbon and
contribute most to the total pore volume. Most of the adsorption of gaseous adsorptives
takes place within these micropores, where the attractive forces are enhanced and the
pores are filled at low relative pressures. Thus, the total pore volume and the pore size
distribution determine the adsorption capacity.
3 1 Powdered
Activated Carbon
of the feed location, PAC can be added to water using either a dry feeder or as
slurry. Dry feeders are most often used in small plants when PAC is fed
at intervals in response to periodic taste and odour problems. In contrast, slurries (mixtures
of PAC with water) are used in larger plants or when PAC is fed
continuously. Since it is difficult to make the PAC mix with water, the
mixer should have an overhead spray system.
effectiveness of PAC in adsorbing tastes and odours depends on adequate mixing,
contact time, dosage, and on the cause and concentration of the taste/odour
problem. Mixing and contact time are determined by the location at which
the PAC is added in the treatment process, so adjustments made by the operator
will usually involve only dosage adjustments. The dosage usually ranges
from 1 to 15 mg/L but must be much higher, in the range of 100 mg/L or more,
when the PAC is being used to remove trihalomethanes or trihalomethane
precursors. The operator chooses an appropriate dosage using jar tests
and the results from odour and taste tests.
3 2 Granular
Activated Carbon
Although GAC filters can be operated like a rapid sand filter in most ways, backwashing and surface washing are not the only cleaning required for the units. The entire surface of the GAC will eventually become covered with contaminants, just as a softener's resin will become covered with magnesium and calcium ions. A GAC filter can typically operate for months or years before reaching this state, depending on the contaminant levels in the influent water. Once the GAC has reached its adsorption capacity, it must be regenerated using the same heating process used to activate the carbon.
Carbon adsorption
is used principally for the removal of refractory organic compounds, as well as
residual amounts of inorganic compounds such as nitrogen, sulphides and heavy
metals. The removal of taste and odour compounds from waste water is another
important application, especially in reuse applications. Both powdered and
granular activated carbon are used and appears to have low adsorption affinity
for low molecular weight polar organic species. Typical compounds that can be
removed by carbon adsorption are given in the table.
Gas Phase
Gasoline Vapour Recovery
Gasoline Fuel recovery, ELCD
Solvent Recovery
MEK, Cyclohexanone, CS2, Furon,
Odour Removal
Room Odour Removal
Tobacco, CO, Room filters, Toilet Odour, Pet
Cabin air filters
Cigarette Filter
Anaesthetic gas removal
Ozone Removal
Copiers, Laser Printers
Harmful Gas
Closed Environment
Dioxin removal, Space Ships, Underground CO2
Gas Separation
Nitrogen PSA
Nitrogen Gas Separation
Other PSA
Radio Active Gas
Liquid Phase
Water Treatment
Factory Waste Water
Cleaning Waste Water
Drinking Water Treatment
Trihalomethane, Chlorine,
VOCs, Lead, Arsenate removal
Decolourization of Industrial Chemicals
Industrial Use
Sugar refinement, Pharmaceutical use, Whisky
Medical Applications
Medical and Nursing
Kidney machine, Nursing supplies, Respirators
Double Layer Capacitors, Hardisks
Mineral Recovery
Gold Recovery
Gold Recovery
5.1 Fixed
bed type
The advantage of down flow design is that adsorption of organics and filtration
of suspended solids is accomplished in a single step. Although upflow fixed bed
reactors have been used, down flow beds are used more commonly to lessen the
chance of accumulating particulate matter in the bottom of the bed, where the
particulate matter would be difficult to remove by backwashing. If soluble
particles are not maintained at a high level, more frequent regeneration of
carbon may be required.
5.2 Expanded
bed type
Expanded bed, moving bed and pulsed-bed carbon contactors have also been
developed to overcome the problems associated with head loss build-up. In expanded bed system, the influent is
introduced at the bottom of the column and the activated carbon is allowed to
expand, much as a filter bed expands during backwash. When the adsorptive
capacity of activated carbon is exhausted, the bottom portion of carbon is
removed, and an equivalent amount of regenerated or virgin carbon is added to
the top of the column. In such a system, expanded-bed upflow contractors may
have more carbon fines in the effluent than down flow contractors because bed
expansion leads to the creation of fines as the carbon particles collide and
abrade, and allows the fines to escape through passageways created by the
expanded bed.
5.3 Fluidized
bed reactor type
A fluidized bed reactor (FBR)
is a type of reactor device that can be used to carry out a
variety of multiphase chemical reactions. In this type of
reactor, a fluid (gas or liquid) is passed through a granular activated carbon at
high enough velocities to suspend the solid and cause it to behave as
though it were a fluid. This process, known as fluidization, imparts many important advantages to the
FBR. As a result, the fluidized bed reactor is now used in many industrial
The solid substrate (activated carbon) material in the fluidized bed
reactor is typically supported by a porous plate, known as a distributor. The fluid is then forced
through the distributor up through the activated carbon. At lower fluid
velocities, the solids remain in place as the fluid passes through the voids in
the material. This is known as a packed bed reactor. As the fluid velocity is increased, the
reactor will reach a stage where the force of the fluid on the solids is enough
to balance the weight of the solid material. This stage is known as incipient
fluidization and occurs at this minimum fluidization velocity. Once this
minimum velocity is surpassed, the contents of the reactor bed begin to expand
and swirl around much like an agitated tank or boiling pot of water. The
reactor is now a fluidized bed. Depending on the operating conditions and
properties of solid phase various flow regimes can be observed in this reactor.
The quantity of adsorbate that can be taken
up by an adsorbent is a function of both the characteristics and concentration
of adsorbate and the temperature. The characteristics of the adsorbate that are
of importance include: solubility, molecular structure, molecular weight,
polarity, and hydrocarbon saturation. Generally, the amount of material
adsorbed is determined as a function of the concentration at a constant
temperature, and the resulting function is called an adsorption isotherm.
Adsorption isotherms are developed by exposing a given amount of adsorbate in a
fixed volume of liquid to varying amounts of activated carbon. Typically more
than ten containers are used, and the minimum time allowed for the samples to
equilibrate where powdered activated carbon is used in seven days. If granular
activated carbon is used, it is usually powdered to minimize adsorption
times. At the end of the test period,
the amount of absorbate remaining in solution is measured. The adsorbate phase
concentration data computed using the equation, are then used to develop
adsorption isotherms.
qe = [(C0 - Ce )/m] V
qe = adsorbent phase concentration
after equilibrium, mg adsorbate/ g adsorbent
C0 = initial concentration of
adsorbate, mg/L
Ce = final concentration of
adsorbate after absorption has occurred, mg/L
V = volume of liquid in the reactor, L
m = mass of adsorbent, g
Laboratory evaluation of the adsorption
isotherm and the adsorption capacity is time consuming and may be affected by
toxicity or the availability of the adsorbate. For such difficult cases, a
model that can predict the adsorption capacity, making testing unnecessary,
would be highly desirable. A number of such models have been proposed for the
adsorption isotherm: the Freundlich isotherm equation; the Langmuir isotherm;
BET-theory; the Hacskaylo and Levan equation; the Dubinin Raduskevish equation;
and a modification of the DR equation developed by Stoeckli.
Dubinin Raduskevish Equation
Among the existing predictive equations, the DR equation has been the
most widely used to predict organic vapour adsorption onto activated carbon. It
has several advantages:
a) there is a good data fit over a wide concentration range
b) temperature is included as a parameter
c) it is built around physical parameters
d) it is easy to apply.
Dubinin postulated that the amount of vapour adsorbed (W) by an
activated carbon source, at a relative pressure (P/Ps), is a function of
the thermodynamic potential (A), with A expressed as
A = RT ln (Ps/P)
where R is the universal gas constant, T is the absolute
temperature, Ps is the saturated vapour pressure at temperature T,
and P is the partial pressure of the adsorbate.
examining the adsorption of simple organic compounds, such as benzene, Dubinin
concluded that the function was Gaussian. This led to the classical expression
of Dubinin and Radushkevich (the D-R equation):
W = W0 * exp (A/βE0)2
W = W0 * exp (A/βE0)2
Where, W0is the maximum
amount adsorbed, E0is the characteristic adsorption energy
for a reference vapour on a specific adsorbent. The parameter β is called the
affinity coefficient or similarity coefficient, and expresses the ratio of the
characteristic free energies of adsorption for the test and reference vapours.
Benzene is, by convention, used as the reference compound for carbonaceous
materials, and is, by definition, given the value β = 1.
The Freundlich isotherm is used most commonly
to describe the adsorption characteristics of the activated carbon used in
water and waste water treatment. It was derived in 1912 and is defined as
Where, x/m is the mass of adsorbate adsorbed
per unit mass of adsorbent, mg adsorbate/ g activated carbon
Kf = Freundlich capacity factor,
(mg absorbate/ g activated carbon)
Ce = equilibrium concentration of
adsorbate in solution after adsorption, mg/L
1/n = Freundlich intensity parameter
Langmuir adsorption isotherm is derived by
assuming: (1) a fixed number of accessible sites are available on the
adsorption surface, all of which have the same energy, and (2) adsorption is
reversible. Equilibrium is reached when the rate of adsorption of molecules on
to the surface is same as the rate of desorption of molecules from the surface.
The rate at which adsorption proceedes is proportional to the driving force,
which is difference between the amount adsorbed at a particular concentration
and the amount can be adsorbed at that concentration. At the equilibrium concentration,
this difference is zero.
Langmuir adsorption isotherm can be expressed
x/m = mass of adsorbate adsorbed per unit
mass of adsorbent, mg adsorbate/g activated carbon
a, b = empirical constants
Ce = equilibrium concentration of adsorbate
in solution after adsorption, mg/L
Adsorption isotherm
Initially, when a
contaminated gas stream passes through a packed carbon bed, most of the
contaminant, the adsorbate, is adsorbed in the vicinity of the inlet to the
bed. The gas then passes on with little further adsorption taking place. Later,
when the inlet part of the adsorbent becomes saturated, adsorption takes place
deeper inside the bed. As more gas passes through and adsorption proceeds, the
so-called mass transfer zone (MTZ) moves forward until the breakthrough point
is reached. If the flow of gas is continued, the exit concentration from the
bed will rise gradually until it reaches the level of the inlet concentration.
At this point, the bed is fully saturated. The service life of the filter bed
is regarded as the time when the exit concentration has reached an unacceptable
Adsorption kinetics
Several models to predict the breakthrough
curves for physisorption of organic vapours have been proposed. Among these,
the Wheeler-Jonas equation is the most widely used to estimate the breakthrough
time of organic compounds on activated carbon. It has a simple form, with some
parameters readily available from the literature or from carbon manufacturers,
and it is known to yield good predictions for breakthrough times. It has
recently been shown that the Wheeler-Jonas equation has a wider scope of application
than just physisorption for a constant flow pattern.
The Wheeler-Jonas equation takes the form
tb= time to reach the breakthrough fraction b = Cx
/ C0 (min)
C0 = bed inlet concentration (g/cm3)
Cx = chosen breakthrough concentration (g/cm3)
W = weight of the carbon bed (g carbon)
We= equilibrium adsorption capacity of the carbon for a
given vapour (g/g carbon)
Q = volumetric flow rate (cm3/min)
ρB = bulk density of the carbon bed (g carbon/cm3)
kv= overall adsorption rate coefficient (min-1)
To use this equation, two parameters, Weand kv,must be determined. This can be done
either experimentally or by extrapolation from measurements using a reference
adsorbate. The first parameter We, the adsorption capacity,
is usually calculated from an adsorption isotherm equation; the
Dubinin-Radushkevich equation is often used in the case of organic vapour
Highly effective at
removing non-polar organic chemicals from water.
Applicable to a wide
variety of organic compounds
Very effective at
removing colours from waste streams.
Effective at removing low
levels (ppb range) of inorganic pollutants.
Thermal regeneration of
the carbon destroys the adsorbed waste solute.
Very flexible system
allows rapid start-up and shut down as needed.
System can be designed so
that it is portable, to be taken to waste sites.
Limited to
wastes with low organic concentrations (< 5%).
Limited to
wastes with very low inorganic concentrations (< 1%).
Unable to
remove highly soluble organics, or those with low molecular weights.
Systems cannot
tolerate suspended solids in the influent stream (due to clogging).
operating costs due to carbon costs system requirements.
Disposal of
contaminated carbon can be problematic if it is not regenerated.
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Fabio Montagnaro, Ana
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properties’, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 1 – 8
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Jufang Wu, 2004, ‘Modelling
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M. Balsamo, T. Budinova et.
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